Why Organizations Need to Walk Down the Advanced Security Analytics Road

The global marketplace is witnessing enhanced usage of data even as organizations are leaving no stone untoward towards walking down the digital road. Of course, taking the digital route is a must-have for organizations, however in this pursuit of going digital organizations they also remain susceptible to security threats and breaches. The prevailing threats in the digital ecosystem make a strong case for Advanced Security Analytics.

It is important to understand that organizations need to make the most of the available security analysis tools that provide Advanced Security Analytics. Such tools provide organizations with the power of Advanced Security Analytics, which can help them in a long way to counter the threats to their systems and data. Advanced Security Analytics is exceedingly handy as these security analysis tools collate data from many different sources within an organization. Subsequently, these tools analyze the data and come up with essential insights that serve as an enabler for IT security teams and corporate management to arrive at more informed decisions concerning IT operations and business services. Advanced Security Analytics differs from threat assessments of the past and enables information security professionals to automate many security analysis actions that are just too big or complex to conduct manually. Clearly, Advanced Security Analytics brings so much to the table for organizations.

According to a study, it is projected that cybercrime-related damages would touch $6 trillion over the next two years. This makes it crystal clear that every industry today is extremely vulnerable to cyber threats. No wonder, organizations are fast realizing the importance of Advanced Security Analytics in their bid to stay cyber-attack free within their work environment. This brings into focus whether organizations have the right people, processes, and technologies to counter any security breaches. Advanced Security Analytics is important because organizations find it highly challenging to handle billions of security events generated every day – what’s more, the exercise of analyzing security threats requires manual human analysis and response. Further, too many false positives are being created by the ineffective use of Artificial Intelligence. Moreover, the acute shortage of capable security personnel across the globe effectively means that there are too few people to investigate whether security breaches are happening or not.

Advanced Security Analytics is here to stay and organizations can richly benefit from it if they adopt the right approach. After all, no organization would like to be at the receiving end of reputational damage and monetary loss caused by security breaches.


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