It is Time for Manufacturing & B2B Organizations to get Serious about Experience Optimization
Customer experience has emerged as the new battlefield on which the fight for dominance and market leadership will take place. And this new reality holds true for B2B organizations as well. It is now no longer enough for manufacturing and B2B concerns to just have a customer-facing website as their only calling card on the World Wide Web; a robust web presence to wow the well-informed, digital-savvy customers is critical for success in non-retail sales journeys as well.
One way to bring about enhanced CX is to use
uber-personalization across channels and touch points to bring about experience
optimization. In this article, we will examine how Adobe’s A4T (Abode Analytics+Adobe Target) can use data to achieve better CX for organizations:
Better RoI
One of the critical issues plaguing personalization
efforts is the lack of RoI. This was largely due to an over 30%
variance in data coming from the personalization platform into the analytics
platform, which led to time-consuming delays in the personalization process. Adobe
Target’s server-to-server integration with Adobe Analytics (A4T) has remedied
the variance reporting issue, optimizing the ROI of personalization campaigns.
Intractable Customer Data Management
Customers interact with brands and products across several online and offline touch points, and data is usually strewn across CRM data, third-party data, and offline databases. Adobe Target connects visitor interactions across channels under a unified, progressive customer profile that allows brands to offer better and more customized CX.
Keep Privacy Front and Center
Privacy and customer data protection is a concern that cuts across all circles – individuals, companies, and nations – and with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act, companies now must guarantee security around their data by law. Adobe Target offers consumers protection and control at the same time with opt-in functionality support via Adobe Launch. The A4T also offers consent management via a pre-approved Adobe Target tag.
With the three main concerns around personalization resolved, Business to Business organizations can tap into the
power of data and analytics with A4T to offer laser-targeted content, activity,
and experiences to specific audiences to bring a positive change to their top-line growth.
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