Hyper-Personalization: The Next Big Thing for Accelerated CX!
Hyper-Personalization is not just a buzzword but a business necessity for organizations across the globe. The rapidly evolving customer behavior is leading to a situation, wherein customers are actively seeking information to arrive at informed decisions and there is also a growing tendency among customers to bank heavily on reviews, user-generated content, and influencers. Such a scenario has created a pressing need for organizations to do something out of the ordinary and deliver a personalized customer experience , wherein the customer has implicit trust in brands. Hyper-Personalization provides a highly targeted, customized customer experience. Hyper-Personalization is considered a more advanced step to personal marketing, where it leverages artificial intelligence and real-time data to offer more relevant content, product, and service information to customers. The importance of Data-Driven Hyper-Personalization can be gauged from the fact that many top brands are taki...